(By Thomas Montecruz, in third person)
Thomas has been a copywriter at heart for as long as he can remember. He grew up devouring any text he could get his hands on: from cereal packaging to washing machine manuals. After degrees in translation, communications and business, he perfected his craft in the UK and Belgium. Old-fashioned writing, translations and digital-optimised copy are his bread and butter. He has a wide range of interests and is a proud NBA aficionado and aspiring amateur triathlete. He also flies small, noisy aircraft from time to time.

Thomas has been writing in his native Dutch ever since he learned to hold a pen. He later transitioned to keyboards, to much relief of his readers and himself.

Digital content and copy
After three years at digital agencies, Thomas knows the tricks of the trade when it comes to digital copy.
Quick facts
Years of writing experience.
Thomas's last name. Too difficult to spell for most people.
European countries lived and worked in.